Experts agree - Bush is an incompetent idiot liar

Indy readers have known for six years that the present occupant in the White House is the worst "president" this nation has ever had, but the minions of the status quo over in the mainstream corporate media kept giving King George good ink and a free ride, as well as sucking-up to an endless rogues' gallery of ethically challenged neocons. The media is no longer the message, rather it is the mouthpiece; the megaphone for corporate interests and the PR manifestation of former President Eisenhower's military-industrial complex. Well, you can't fool all of the people all of the time (as one of our better presidents once said). Now, a new scientific survey by The Pew research Center confirms what we've been saying all along: Bush is an incompetent idiot liar. Those are the three words 48% of us to describe Bush compared with just 28% who use a positive word, and 10% who use a neutral term. Hey, welcome to the real world America!
We wondered if this Kafkaesque nightmare would ever end. It's not over yet, by a long shot, but it IS comforting to know, as Bush's numbers slip into the low 30's, that a growing majority of our neighbors have woken up and realized that the White House thorough cleaning? Of course, we are left to wonder if National Public Relations (NPR), the corporado networks, and the big dailies will catch on to what so many of their victims have finally concluded.
Sooooo, is it time for another war? That's usually what dictators, emperors, or any number of slime-ball oligarchs usually resort to when their ass is in the sling. If you think the anti-war movement, such as it is, made a big impression three years ago on the eve of the invasion of Iraq, wait 'til you see what happens if the neocons are stupid enough to go after Iran. Good luck and good night!
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