Concerto for blunt instrument

An irregular heartbeat from d.o. to you. Not like a daily kos, more like a sometime sloth. Fast relief from the symptoms of blogarrhea and predicated on the understanding that the world is not a stage for our actions, rather it is a living organism upon which we depend for our existence.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Down with the Kingmakers!




It is Independence Day 2024 as I write. It's rather ironic to be celebrating our independence from the old British monarchy, from the whims of King George when the majority of our own Supreme Court have just turned the United States of America into a kingdom.  Our President has been granted full immunity from any official acts he might perform in office (can you believe it?). The "gift" is little short of The Enabling Act (Ermächtigungsgesetz) of 1933 in pre-war Germany. But wait, this is the USA. We don't do kings, right?? Correct.......BUT since we have one now perhaps there's someway we can turn the clock back.

How about demanding "King Joe" pack SCOTUS with justices who don't have fascist tendencies? FDR threatened to do that back in the day. Did he really have the power to do such a thing? If so, and those clear thinking justices become the majority, might they revisit the immunity decision and reverse it? I'm no lawyer or student of the Court but if that is doable what's to keep us from acting on it? Presumably there is not enough time to do that, if it's possible, before the election in November. In that case, could our new King delay the election? It all sounds a bit crazy, yes?  

Of course it's crazy. We have gone down the proverbial rabbit hole in this country since His Malignancy took office in 2017. The MAGA death cult has transformed the once "Party of Law & Order" into a sham, an evil clown show your grandparents would never have conceived of as they put out Old Glory in front of their homes on the 4th of July. 


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Every Tree Everywhere All at Once










A message to loggers or others with
An axe to grind have you thought about
Being kind to your children or
Theirs and theirs and on who now
Depend upon trees capturing carbon dioxide
And storing the carbon within themselves
And the soil below or
Did you not know about the emergency
We are beginning to see a
Climate in chaos with life threatening heat
And rubble of your home at your feet or
Water thigh high on your street or
A new plague that may meet millions
And defeat the civilization you need
To survive a future so bleak and likely
Not the one you seek? 

Saturday, March 09, 2024

Better Than a New Idea


What could be?

Tuesday, February 13, 2024



It's called a family tree but it's hard to see

much similarity though we all are here

on and in this land in need of air and

of course water and beings we do not

see moving about us and on us here 

seemingly forever and ever even as we

humans cut away at them for warmth or

utility without much thought or empathy

trace your relations truthfully across

the land and sea into the soil and depths

all our relations together.

Monday, January 08, 2024

The Year of Our Disbelief






2024 will make it near impossible to believe the USA is the same nation it was when I was born. I'm a War Baby, born just after the Nazis surrendered and before the Japanese did. I grew up in a post-war era where real patriotism was pervasive and those who had held fascist beliefs retreated into the shadows. Fascists were the enemy, our fathers, mothers and grandparents defeated them soundly. 

If you haven't heard Rachel Maddow's podcast Ultra or read her subsequent book Prequel I highly recommend you do. Both are an eye-opening study in just how far fascism grew here in the States prior to World War II and a.....well, prequel to what is happening as we speak. Once again, fascism is on the rise. It is rampant in the Republican Party. It is spearheaded by a former President (a highly damaged man), something unheard of in all of American history. It is literally a plague upon our nation, one that could put an end to the democratic republic we've nurtured since the nation's founding. Let's be perfectly clear, fascism means to destroy this nation and those who are promoting it presently control one of the main political parties, the so-called Republicans. This is, to me, unbelievable. Even though I witnessed it taking place over the past years, I never thought it would become what it has, a political sickness worse than the Black Death of medieval times. 

It falls upon us rational, reality-based citizens to do everything we can to make sure the fascists do not capture the White House this coming November. They absolutely must be defeated and sent back into the shadows from where they came. Let's turn disbelief into belief and bury this plague once again.

Thursday, January 04, 2024

2024 The Year of The Dragon


Monday, November 13, 2023

What Remains









Skeletons embrace face to face

all over the place in this land

not sure we understand but 

there it is remains in love and

in your face like some remembered

moment just out of reach or questions

how long love may last