Concerto for blunt instrument

An irregular heartbeat from d.o. to you. Not like a daily kos, more like a sometime sloth. Fast relief from the symptoms of blogarrhea and predicated on the understanding that the world is not a stage for our actions, rather it is a living organism upon which we depend for our existence.

Monday, July 29, 2019

This Other Man

This Other man is ruining everything
he claims he will make America great again
forgetting the actual greatness such as it was
and why we went to war half a century ago
and why we are a melting pot of the people
(where all the scum rises to the top).
This Other man is the bad influence your
assistant principal warned you about
the devil some overly enthusiastic preacher
railed on about, the worst nightmare you
ever had.......or will have.
This Other man is without respect for women
he views as objects, his type or not.
This Other man degrades all he touches, or not
with tiny hands and even a smaller mind
a very small brain and bad genes as well.
This Other man sucks, he sucks the life out of
children seeking safety and parents' dreams.
This Other man soils the Constitution and wraps
his sorry body in the flag leaving stains
no whitener nor bribe could remove.
This Other man makes us sick as he plunders
the planet with ugly enablers you wouldn't
introduce to your worst enemy because
HE is your worst enemy, in case you didn't know
This Other man isn't a man at all, he is a child yes
but also he is the actual Other you've heard of
that which we bitterly oppose, are repulsed by
and wish to banish, in fact vanish from government
and memory, disappear him in every way
imaginable. Away. Away. Away. Away.


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