Concerto for blunt instrument

An irregular heartbeat from d.o. to you. Not like a daily kos, more like a sometime sloth. Fast relief from the symptoms of blogarrhea and predicated on the understanding that the world is not a stage for our actions, rather it is a living organism upon which we depend for our existence.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Cold River


Cold River saved the
life it almost took away
as you and I at some
remove thought to
move along separately
until a daughter's call
broke upon the day
her brother's missing
presence by River's
side away and gone
into emptiness only
the sound of water
passing a camp of
frightened voices
calling out around
searching horribly
unknown directions to
unknown directed me
to a very silent spot
where a cold body lay.
More voices emerge
this must not be until
in timeless sorrow's
passing he returns
to we together eternally.

              - d.o.