Concerto for blunt instrument

An irregular heartbeat from d.o. to you. Not like a daily kos, more like a sometime sloth. Fast relief from the symptoms of blogarrhea and predicated on the understanding that the world is not a stage for our actions, rather it is a living organism upon which we depend for our existence.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

To a Certain Cedar









You held me up high among

the others on that wooded glade

in the close shade on sunny days

I was always eight years old 

back then even when I was

nine or ten climbing trees or

sailing seas away from home 

across the yard or was it a harbor

and you a mast with provisions 

stored in your limbs the insects

discovered overnight (another sight)

are you still there today you are

for me and will always be.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

The ask










You asked for my opinion

one day when supporters 

prepared for dark responses 

for flashing lights and fears

we walked along the road

where it would happen

your home before a siege 

I don't know what I offered

then but I do know you asked

so open to others and their thoughts

in a world of thoughtlessness 

a gift from you unforgotten

were it now I would say 

please stay, for awhile as

we pass the time of day.

         -  d.o. for Randy Kehler 2024